Searching For IFSC Code of Bank Of Baroda City Light Branch branch in Surat - Gujarat? Then Get the Complete details like BOB City Light Branch MICR Code, Branch Code, Address and Phone number. IFS code for All Bank Of Baroda Surat branches are used for IMPS, NEFT, RTGS transactions.
Bank Of Baroda IFSC Code City Light Branch Branch: BARB0CITYLT
IFSC Code | BARB0CITYLT (used for RTGS and NEFT transactions) |
MICR Code | 395012051 |
Bank Name | Bank Of Baroda |
Branch Code | CITYLT |
Address | City Light Branch, Shiv Pooja Shopping Centre City Light Road, Surat, 395007 |
Branch | City Light Branch Branch |
City | Surat |
District | Surat |
State | Gujarat |
Phone Number | 1800223344 |
Disclaimer: All the informations are provided with care. But please read our disclaimer before using this informations from this website.
IFSC Code of BOB City Light Branch: BARB0CITYLT
Bank Of Baroda IFSC Code: BARB0CITYLT; MICR code: 395012051 & Branch code is CITYLT. City Light Branch branch Surat address: City Light Branch, Shiv Pooja Shopping Centre City Light Road, Surat, 395007. Bank Of Baroda City Light Branch Contact Number: 1800223344 and timing is Monday to Friday: 10 AM to 4 PM, Saturday - 10 AM to 4 PM (Except 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month).
What is the MICR code of Bank Of Baroda City Light Branch - Gujarat?
MICR is an acronym for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition & MICR code of BOB Surat City Light Branch branch is 395012051.
What is the IFSC Code of Bank Of Baroda City Light Branch Surat branch?
The IFSC code for Bank Of Baroda City Light Branch branch is BARB0CITYLT. Check the below example for more info.
- The first 4 letters BARB represents the Bank name - Bank Of Baroda
- The 5th character is 0, is for future use, its same for all banks including BOB as of now.
- Last six characters CITYLT represents the branch (Bank Of Baroda City Light Branch Branch).
A | B | C | D | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
BARB - for all BOB | 0 | CITYLT - City Light Branch branch code |
How to Get Branch Details using IFSC code: BARB0CITYLT?
IFSC code BARB0CITYLT belongs to Bank Of Baroda Surat city City Light Branch branch in Gujarat. If you have any other IFS Code of Bank Of Baroda or other bank, for which you want to find out the branch details using our website then you need to follow the below steps.
- Go to the sidebar to search IFS Code page.
- Now enter the correct code. for i.e BARB0CITYLT and Click on the Search button.
- All Information of branch e.g (City Light Branch) will be provided there.
How do I find the address of BOB City Light Branch branch - Surat?
Bank Of Baroda City Light Branch branch is in Surat (Gujarat) and full address is: City Light Branch, Shiv Pooja Shopping Centre City Light Road, Surat, 395007.
Other Branch for Bob Ifsc Code Surat Listed Below
- Ambaji Road Branch
- Ambheti Dist Surat Gujarat
- Amroli Br Surat Gujarat
- Anaval Dist Surat Gujarat
- Areth Dist Surat Gujarat
- Athwalines Branch
- Baleshwar Dist Surat Gujarat
- Bamroli Road
- Bandharpada Dist Surat Gujarat
- Barbodhan
- Bardoli Branch
- Bhatar Road Branch
- Bhatgam Gujarat
- Bhesan Surat Gujarat
- Bhimpore Dist Surat
- Bhulkabhavan Branch
- Bodhan Br Dist Surat Gujarat
- Cfs Branch Surat Gujarat
- Chhipwad Branch
- City Light Branch
- Damka Dist Surat Gujarat
- Dihen Dist Surat Gujarat
- Dolvan Br Dist Tapi Gujarat
- Dumas Br Dist Surat Gujarat
- Dumbhal Branch
- Fulpada Branch
- Ghoddod Road Surat Gujarat
- Gothan Gujarat
- Gunasvel Gujarat
- Hajira Dist Surat
- Haldharu Dist Surat Gujarat
- Haripura Dist Surat Gujarat
- Honey Park Road Gujarat
- Ibb Surat Branch
- Ichhapore Br Dist Surat Gujarat
- Ie Pandesara Branch
- Jahangirpura
- Jhankhavav Dist Surat Gujarat
- Kadodara Surat Gujarat
- Kalakava Br Dist Tapi Gujarat
- Kamrej Char Rasta
- Kanza Dist Surat Gujarat
- Kapodara Surat Gj
- Karanj
- Karchelia Dist Surat Gujarat
- Katargam Surat Gujarat
- Kavas Br Dist Surat Gujarat
- Khand Bazar Branch
- Khatodra Branch
- Kim Br Surat Gujarat
- Kosamba Dist Surat
- Kribhco Branch
- Kudsad Guj
- Kukarmunda Dist Surat Gujarat
- Kundiyana Br Dist Surat Gujarat
- Lajpore Dist Surat Gujarat
- Lh Road
- Limbayat Guj
- Madhi Dist Surat
- Magdalla Surat
- Mahuva Gujarat
- Mandarwaja Branch
- Mandvi Dist Surat
- Manekpore Gujarat
- Masma Br Dist Surat Gujarat
- Mor Bhagwa Dist Surat Gujarat
- Mora Dist Surat
- Mosali Dist Surat
- Mota Gujarat
- Mota Varachh Dist Surat
- Nanpura Branch
- Navagam Fort Songadh
- Navyug Colle Branch
- Nizer
- Olpad Dist Surat
- Pal
- Palanpur patia
- Parle Point Branch
- Parsi Sheri Branch
- Pasodara
- Pinjarat
- Prime Arcade
- Rander Branch
- Sagrampura Branch
- Salabatpura Branch
- Sarthana
- Sayedpura Branch
- Shahpore Branch
- Shastri Road Bardoli Gj
- Sp Pr Bking Branch
- Sufibaug Branch
- Surat Main Surat
- Surati Bazar Vyara
- Taladpatia Gujarat
- Textile Mkt Branch
- Udhna Branch
- Udhna Magdalla Road Gujarat
- Vadapada Nesu Naranpur
- Vaheval Surat Guj
- Vania Sheri Branch
- Ved Road Branch Surat
- Vip Road Surat
- Zampa Bazar Branch